When Dr. Sexson was describing to us about his "green blood" and how we would use that image to remember the date of his next appointment to get blood drawn (March 17th, St. Patty's Day) I found myself not thinking of the test or the question that will be on the test possible referring to green blood, but rather to my absolute favorite television series ever, The X Files. For those that haven't had the pleasure of enjoying an episode or two of this show there is an alien race that oozes green blood.

The only way for them to die is through a sharp puncture to the back of the neck where a boiling stream of hot green alien blood flows down the neck of the victim and proceeds to melt the flesh of the alien from the inside out while the face caves in and the green blood bubbles enthusiastically over the entire body.
So seeing as how I hear "green blood" and I don't see a test question for our test on February 20th, Jon Nay's birthday, but my mind directly focus on a decaying alien on the ground with a puncture wound to the back of the neck with the ever so dreamy Fox Mulder standing over him with a scratch on his face, or a dribble of the green blood on his black three piece government suit.
So now I am forced to either exchange my memory refrence of green blood from aliens to St. Patty's day, or I could just have my alien stay the same, and just remember that St. Patty's day is a day I too could get my blood drawn.