Does this have any meaning to me? To the girl sitting at the computer two down from me it means her grade in some sort of math class that probably has to deal with her major that will eventually help her be successful in life making money to support herself and possible a family one day. This memorable thought for her will open the doors to many more math equations, in fact it might just be the basis of all her problems for her entire assignment. This conversation she is having with another mathematician on the phone is extremely memorable, perhaps detrimental to the understanding of many more equations to come. But for me it is a simple blog entry. In all actuality "e squared" is just as important to me as it is to her. Our grades will both be effected by "e squared" but eventually she will have to use this equation again in some other math problem and I will only have to think about the day that over heard a conversation about some mathematical problem that the answer ended up not being 4 but 2, or was it 6? We might never know.

p.s. e squared = 7.3890561
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