Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Growing up, I was dubbed many nicknames where only few managed to stick for much longer than a day. However, I was given one nickname during a family members wedding that I will never live down. Now, at every family reunion, someone always seems to bring up this moment of humility and embarrassment. Since I know i will never live it down, I realize it probably won't be much worse to share it with thirty more people. My older cousin Lila was getting married and my Aunt Jane asked if I could say a few words at the reception. Since I was only 18 I was a little worried because I had never really given a toast before, but I was completely up for the challenge. My Aunt handed me a glass of champagne to bang on a bit before I made my toast, but I do not think she meant for me to drink some of it. Anyways, I made my speech and raised the glass to make my toast, then took a nice big sip of it... since I had never had champagne before the bubbles took me by suprise and I ended up accidentally squirting the champagne out of my nose and hitting the person sitting in front of me!!! The entire room laughed at my expense, and from then on out, my nickname at family affairs is now squirt. So, when you said we should think about the most memorable nickname given, I would say that this one constitutes as a horrifically memorable experience.

MY BIG 50 ( I know, impressive)

On Monday I delivered my 50 items and must say I am very relieved to have it all out of the way. Im sure that you are all very excited to learn how I managed to memorize these designs in the sky, so I will reveal to you my secret. I began by looking at all of the different signs and where they are located in the sky in relation to one another. Then, all over my apartment I taped pictures of them onto my ceiling in relation to where they would be in the actual sky. Now my apartment looks like Mysteries of the Sky 101 class. I have always been interested in astronomy because my father would always take me to the beach when I was young and point out all of the different constellations. I am excited to show him whats up next time I come home, and suprise him with my new found knowledge. So now, not only do I know the names, but I also know where the constellations are, and what they look like, and I will continue to hopefully share this knowledge in the future!