Ok so this is a personal family myth that my father came up with while we were driving through the Eastern Sierra's in California up highway 395. He would always make up stories for my brothers and myself while we were on road trips to shut us up. (i'm sure some of you have had this same experience) So anyway, he would make up these stories and would get really into them trying to make them as in depth as possible for my little but wild imagination. My brothers would stop listening after the first few lines because they knew it couldn't possibly be real...but me, oh how I believed and how deep down inside I still believe all the stories my father has told me over the years. SO here it goes...(if any of you have driven the road from Reno to LA you might know what I'm talking about)

In between the tiny town of Lone Pine, Ca and the even tinnier town of Olancha, Ca there's a giant lake, Owens Lake that is all dried up now (thanks to the Mulhullen Project supplying the greater LA Basin with water). And on the edge of the Highway there's an old abandoned factory. Well this old factory apparently was not a factory at all but a disguise for a giant hole in the ground. And this hole in the ground went deep into the Earth, farther than you or I have ever been, so far down that no light could penetrate the darkness. So far down that the center of the Earth was but a stone's throw away. And deep down in this hole there was an army of giant human eating ants. I mean HUGE, the size of houses, with long legs, and giant pinchers that would grab humans and shove them into their mouths devouring them whole! So these ants they would only come out at the turn of the new moon. And they would travel up and down the valley in search of food for their offspring. But these ants, they didn't stay underground all the time. These ants were very sensitive to loud noises, that's why their whole is placed in such a remote area, but still had enough food to live off of. So these ants could hear screaming and yelling in between the two towns. SHHHHHH...my dad would say...SHHHHHH...you don't want to startle the ants and have them come out and chase us down the road...our car is fast but not fast enough. So I would get really quiet for the stretch of road that these ants could hear. And extra quiet when we passed the old rundown factory. Always watching and always wondering when the next time these ants would come out to feast.
The End...or is it?
p.s. if any of you have seen the movie Tremors with the giant worms in the ground that can feel the vibrations of walking, well this is pretty much right where that movie was filmed and I pretty sure this is were my dad cam up with his wonderful and yet completely terrifying myth about the giant ants that would come out and eat me if I was too loud on our car rides. haha what a guy.

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