Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sex and the City...a modern day Myth?

I know this might be far fetch, and some might get offended by this, but Sex and the City is one of the largest myths for women today.

We as women want to be Carrie Bradshaw, with our Manolo Blahnik stilettos, our Chennel handbags, cute sun dresses, and too many guys to count wanting to sleep with us, all while living in the most expensive city in the world. Oh and not to mention having four girlfriends that go out to lunch or some meal during the day everyday.

The life they live is what millions of woman want and desire to obtain. We have created this myth for women that help us cop with our ordinary lives, dreaming of the day Big will pull up in his limousine get down on one knee, and pull out that enormous rock.

In someway the sexy foursome of Sex and the City are our modern day goddesses. Possessing the power to control millions of women, while seducing a countless amount of men.

But hey it's entertaining and that's what myths are now a days...for some cultures...and i for one am a believer of the myth that one day I too will have an apartment on the Upper East Side. HAHA just kidding.

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